how to care for houseplants in winter

Caring for Houseplants in Winter Requires Some Extra Attention to Ensure They Stay Healthy and Thrive. Here are Some Tips to Help You Care for Your Houseplants during the Winter Months

Caring for houseplants can be a rewarding and beneficial hobby, providing numerous environmental and aesthetic benefits. During the winter months, it’s essential to pay attention to your houseplants as they require some extra attention to stay healthy and thrive. In this article, we’ll explore the critical tips and techniques to keep your houseplants happy, healthy, and thriving even during the cold winter weather.

Section 1: Lighting and Temperature Management

During the winter season, the days are shorter, and the sunlight is weaker, which can result in inadequate light for your houseplants. To supplement the natural light, invest in grow lights or moving plants to a sunlit area. However, keep in mind that some houseplants can tolerate low-light conditions, so research specific requirements for your plants. Additionally, maintain a temperature range between 65 to 75°F (18 to 24°C), as most houseplants thrive in this temperature range.

Section 2: Watering and Humidity

Winter weather often implies dry air, which can lead to dehydration in plants. To combat this issue, increase the humidity levels around your plants by using a humidifier or by placing them on a tray filled with water and pebbles. When watering your plants, make sure to check the soil moisture by sticking your finger in the soil up to your knuckle. Water plants only when the soil is dry to the touch to prevent overwatering. Avoid getting water on the leaves to prevent fungal infections.

Section 3: Fertilization and Pruning

During the winter months, most plants are dormant, and frequent fertilization is not required. However, you can still provide your plants with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer at reduced strength (about half of the recommended dosage). Before fertilizing, make sure your plants are not experiencing excessive growth, as this could lead to weak and prone-to-disease growth. Pruning is also a crucial aspect of plant maintenance, as it helps shape the plant, promotes growth, and removes dead leaves. Prune your houseplants regularly to maintain a healthy and attractive appearance.

Section 4: Pest Control and Repotting

Winter is often a breeding season for spider mites, mealybugs, and other houseplant pests. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of infestation and treat promptly if necessary. For severe infestations, consider using insecticides or consulting with a horticultural expert. Re-potting your plants during the winter months should be done with caution. Avoid repotting dormant plants, as this could cause shock and stress.

Section 5: Monitoring and Maintenance

As the winter months progress, monitor your plants’ watering, fertilization, and pruning needs. Keep your plants away from heating vents, radiators, or fireplaces, as hot air can cause dry conditions and stress. Regularly inspect your plants for any signs of disease, insects, or nutrient deficiencies and address them promptly. Last but not least, adjust your plant care routine for specific plant species, some of which may have distinct requirements.


Caring for houseplants in winter requires attention, patience, and dedication to ensure they stay healthy and thrive. By following these tips, you’ll create a welcoming environment for your plants, and they will reward you with vibrant leaves, fragrant blooms, and a touch of springtime magic. Remember that every plant is unique and may have specific requirements.


Can I still fertilize my houseplants during the winter months?
Yes, fertilize your houseplants using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer at a reduced strength (about half of the recommended dosage) to provide essential nutrients.