How To Make Coffee In a Bunn Commercial Coffee Maker: Expert Tips

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Are you find it difficult to make coffee in a Bunn commercial coffee maker? Is this the first time you try to make coffee in Bunn coffee machine? You’re in the right place

We’ll show you how to make coffee in a Bunn commercial coffee maker and how to brew it step-by-step

Bunn home brewers are made to do exactly what Bunn commercial brewers do: produce great-tasting coffee, quickly, simply, and consistently. Cup after flavorful cup, year after year, nothing brews like a Bunn.

Perfect coffee flavor is robust without bitterness and is determined by three elements: water temperature, the time ground coffee is exposed to the water, and how much of the coffee is exposed to the water.


The ready-to-brew internal hot water tank keeps water at the ideal brewing temperature of approximately 200°F.


The fast 3-minute cycle is the perfect brew cycle time for the most coffee flavor without bitterness. Brew cycles that expose ground coffee for more than 6 minutes cause an over-extracted, bitter taste.


The unique spray head design creates the right amount of turbulence to suspend ground coffee and extract flavor evenly and thoroughly.

With most coffee makers, water drips straight through without evenly exposing all coffee granules to the water.

Make Coffee In a Bunn Commercial Coffee Maker

How to Make Coffee in a Bunn Commercial Coffee Maker?


1. Slide empty funnel into funnel guides


1. Fill decanter with cold water.

2. Swivel or lift brewer lid and pour water into the brewer

3. Position the decanter on the base below the funnel.

4. Close the lid and wait three minutes while the internal tank partially fills.


1. Open the lid.

2. Remove the decanter and fill it with cold water again.

3. Pour water into the brewer.

4. Position the decanter on the base under the funnel and close the lid.


1. Wait until water flows from the funnel.

2. When water flow stops, pour out any water that has collected in the decanter.

3. Replace the decanter on the brewer below the funnel.


1. plug in the brewer.


1. Press the bottom of the vacation switch, located on the side of the brewer

2. to turn unit on (Press I to turn on and press O to turn off.)

3. Wait 15 minutes for the water in the tank to heat.

How to Brew Coffee in a Bunn Commercial Coffee Maker?


Insert BUNN coffee filter into the brew funnel.


Measure fresh coffee into the filter and shake gently to level the bed of grounds.

(Bunn commercial coffee maker recommends 1-2 heaping Tbsps. of drip grind per cup of coffee).


Slide the brew funnel into funnel guides and open the lid.


Pour in cold water; minimum 4 cups (20 oz), up to a maximum of 10 cups (50 oz)

  • Do not close the lid without the funnel and decanter in place.
  • Closing the lid releases the hot water.


Position the decanter in place on the base under the funnel of the brewer.

(With BTX, pre-heat carafe with hot water)


Turn on the warmer.

(not applicable with BTX ThermoFresh brewer).


Close the lid to start the flow of water into the tank.


When brewing has stopped

  • remove the brew funnel and discard the filter and grounds.
  • Do not touch hot grounds.

How Much Coffee To Use in Bunn Coffee Maker?

Usually, Bunn coffee makers are found in an office setting or a commercial food environment.

To save time and to be consistent, people usually buy pre-measured bags of ground coffee from the same vendor who supplies the coffee maker.

If you want to use your coffee, use 2 tablespoons (10grams) of coffee per cup. If you have a 12 cup coffee maker use 24 tablespoons.

If it is a larger coffee maker, you can also use a larger measure. 1/4 cup for 4 cups, 1/2 cup for 8, etc.

Should I leave my commercial Bunn coffee maker on all the time?

You can leave it on. It will keep the water hot so you can make coffee any time you want.

I turn mine off because I only use it in the mornings. I have it connected to a timer so it will warm up the water about 1/2 hour before I make my coffee.

Then an hour later, it will shut it off until the next day. Works fine for me.

How do I keep a commercial Bunn coffee maker from overflowing from the top?

What’s happening in your coffee is overflowing!

So you might have your coffee grind too fine causing it to overflow from the top before it gets to push through the coffee, Try a coarser grind.

Also, it could be overflowing if there is too much coffee and the water doesn’t have a chance to go through the grinds (especially if the ground is too fine) and will go over the grounds and out the maker before it goes through the top.

Make sure you have your coffee ground to the filter of the coffee maker you’re using and use the exact amount of coffee that the filter/basket can handle.

Also, add the amount of water for that amount of coffee if your coffee maker doesn’t have an automatic water line or reservoir.

Your machine could be defective but if it’s a commercial Bunn maker then make sure you brew for a metal/flat/coarse/appropriate grind so the correct amount of water can pass through the coffee in the right amount of time.

How does a commercial Bunn coffee maker work?

Water seeks its level. That’s what we learned in high school physics class.

The commercial Bunn coffeemaker has a hot water chamber, It keeps the water at a brewing temperature.

A tube from the bottom connects the chamber to the spray head over the coffee grounds. You pour in a measured amount of cold water into the top of the chamber and hot water comes out the bottom and filters through the coffee grounds into the pot.

The weight of the cold water on top of the hot water causes that. it’s seeking its level.

 The heater in the Bunn comes on and warms the water back up to hot for the next pot.

How to drain brewer in a Bunn commercial coffee maker?

The water in your BUNN coffee brewer should be emptied whenever it is taken on a trip, shipped, stored in an unheated location with a chance of freezing, or goes unused for an extended period.

To drain your brewer, use the following procedure:

1. Unplug the brewer.

2. Remove the brew funnel and spray it from the brewer and set them aside.

3. Cool the brewer by pouring a full decanter of fresh, cold water into the top of the brewer.

4. Place the decanter on the base plate and close the lid. When water has stopped flowing from the brewer, empty the decanter.

5. Repeat this process and set the decanter aside.

6. Grasp the back of the brewer and carefully turn it upside down over a sink. Most of the water in the tank will flow from the spray head tube opening. Some water may flow from the area around the top lid.

7. Continue tipping the brewer until the flow stops.

 8. Replace the spray head and funnel after the water has been drained.

How to adjust brewer volumes in a Bunn commercial coffee maker?

Before starting adjusting -Disconnect the power source from the brewer before the removal of any panel for the replacement or adjustment of any component.

NOTE: Before setting or modifying batch sizes, check that the brewer is connected to the water supply, the tank is properly filled, and a funnel and server are in place.

Step1. Modifying batch sizes

To modify a batch volume, first, check that the SET/LOCK switch is in the “SET” position on the circuit board.

Step2. increase batch size.

1. Press and hold the START or BREW switch until three clicks are heard.

2. Release the switch (Failure to release the switch within two seconds after the third click causes the volume setting to be aborted and the previous volume setting will remain in memory) and press it again one or more times.

Each time the switch is pressed, two seconds are added to the brewing period.

3. Allow the brew cycle to finish to verify that the desired volume has been achieved.

Step3. decrease a batch size

1. Press and release the START or BREW switch once for every two-second interval to be removed from the total brew period.

2.  immediately press and hold down the START or BREW switch until three clicks are heard.

3. Release the switch. (Failure to release the switch within two seconds after the third click causes the volume setting to be aborted and the previous volume setting will remain in memory).

4. Allow the brew cycle to finish to verify that the desired volume has been achieved.

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